Confirmation helps with business continuity

The global effort to slow the spread of COVID-19 is presenting tough choices for business leaders. Confirmation is here to help. Our financial verification platform provides business continuity for you, your teams, and your clients.

Initiating and responding to audit confirmations online is especially preferable to fax and mail, as people are working from home in the U.S. and across the globe. Please take this opportunity to download recent articles, view interactive videos, or schedule a meeting with a member of our team, and learn how to enhance your online confirmation process. 



How Banks and Other Financial Institutions Are Using Confirmation: Watch our help videos for a quick walk-through of how Confirmation can improve the confirmation response process.

We make confirmations easy for companies around the globe. Watch how Confirmation helps top audit firm LMBC.

Training Sessions: Register for our free web-based training sessions to learn valuable information on how to use our product and interact directly with our training specialists.

Who we help:

Download our one-pagers to learn how we help different industries.

Register for an account now >>

Set up a meeting:

Fill out the form below to schedule a virtual meeting or speak with a member of our team in your region. 


Want business continuity during COVID-19? Technology is a must. To ensure they can continue serving their clients, financial institutions and audit firms have quickly pivoted to remote working setups with technology that helps employees continue fulfilling vital tasks without losing productivity. 

Case Study: How Top 50 U.S. Firm Rehmann Is Pursuing the Audit of the Future
Once the faster confirmation replies and overall time savings became evident to firm, use of Confirmation quickly expanded throughout the company and is now a tool that the entire assurance department, more than 200 auditors, relies on daily.

Case Study: A Top 15 U.S. Bank Saves Time and Money by Going Digital
Technology available to today’s banks and other financial institutions can save enormous amounts of time and money, helping firms to respond favorably to investor and shareholder pressure, and yield increasingly positive results.

The future of audit is here. Are you ready? 
Audit technology is evolving quickly, and your company can get left behind before you know it. Learn about the latest tech and what steps you can take today to help future-proof your company.